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A Conversation that Matters: non gender specific - on Sustainability and Inclusivity

If there is one thing that living through the pandemic this past year has taught us, it is appreciating what we have and living life more intentionally. We LOVE the beauty industry; at the same time, we ask ourselves how we can make the world a better place while doing what we love.

How do we make beauty more inclusive? How do we remove the stigma that beauty products are only for females and normalize it for all genders?

How do we create less waste with the multiple layers of packaging of our extensive skincare rituals?

Here’s a big shoutout to Andrew Glass, experienced beauty industry professional and founder of non gender specific, for creating the solutions to the questions above.

Thoughtfully designed to break through gender boundaries and pound down the stigma of products marketed for men vs. women only, non gender specific products are for ALL HUMANS - regardless of gender, skin tone or skin type.

With a simplified and effective approach to beauty, each non gender specific product is intentionally formulated to address at least 7 major skin concerns, from wrinkles and fatigue to hyper-pigmentation and more. This reduces the number of products needed in our skincare routines while achieving the same or even better results. By cutting down on the number of products used, this also minimizes the consumer waste created.

In addition to being vegan and cruelty-free, non gender specific practices mindfulness towards Mother Earth through its sustainable packaging. Products are packed in recycled hemp paper outer boxes manufactured from sustainable materials and processed using chlorine-free practices, this significantly reduces the amount of harmful waste produced by paper processed with harmful chemicals. Furthermore, non gender specific’s fragrance Flooid is not only packaged in a sustainable glass jar, but also thoughtfully encased in a plantable outer box made from biodegradable tree-less paper.

We invite you to experience this wonderful brand with great ethos with us. Here’s to living life intentionally: sustainably and inclusively.

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